gender-based violence
Do you want to end online violence against women and girls?
Do you want to protect girls and women from all forms of violence through digital?
You have ideas? Solutions?
This #HACKATHONSTOPGBV is for you!
Apply by November 17, 2023!

List of pre-selected projects (in alphabetical order by country)

UN Women and UNFPA (Regional Offices for West and Central Africa) are launching a ‘hackathon’ under the French Muskoka Fund to address violence against girls and women in West and Central Africa.
Why a GBV hackathon?
Violence against women and girls remains extremely high in West and Central Africa. Women and girls are “number one targets” of all forms of online violence.
Online violence, or “technology-facilitated” violence, can be defined as any act that is committed, assisted, aggravated or amplified by the use of ICTs or other digital tools, that results in or is likely to result in physical harm, sexual, psychological, social, political or economic, or other violations of rights and freedom.
How it works?
A hackathon is an event where teams must propose and develop a simple solution that can be sustainable and scaled.
As part of the theme of combating gender-based violence, young people must present a concrete solution with a detailed financing plan and a short (1-2 years) and medium-term (3-5 years) projection of the expected results.
Teams must develop their project over a limited period of time.
Submit your #GBVsolutions to fight violence against girls and women in West and Central Africa
You are between 18 and 35 years old, you want to propose and develop innovative solutions/ tools and thus actively participate in the protection of girls and women against all forms of violence including digital?
So take part in this Hackathon and try to win prizes and get mentorship to develop your idea.
Project Submission Deadline: November 17, 2023
“Innovative solution/tool” means, for example (non-exhaustive indicative list), digital applications, virtual reality (VR), video games/serious games, algorithms, etc. The inclusion of women and girls with limited access to digital tools will be appreciated (e.g. digital skills, linguistic, geographical accessibility, technological and/or financial means, etc.).
Develop your project on one of the 2 themes of your choice:
Using technology to combat violence against women and girls.
Fight online violence against women and girls.
How to submit your project?
- All candidates must submit their project before November 17, 2023 on this platform.
- Only properly completed proposals will be accepted.
- Acceptable formats: paper and/or video. Videos must be 3 minutes maximum and must present the 3 parts below.
- You can download the attached template and complete it or respond by following the instructions below.
- To send us your project: complete the questionnaire (below) and upload your documents (paper and videos).
- The review of the proposals will be carried out by a panel of experts to select a top 10 of the proposals. The pre-selected projects will be presented to the Jury of Experts for selection of the winners.
How and who can participate?
- The hackathon is open to young people aged 18 to 35, from a country in West or Central Africa, and who reside in a country in one of these regions.
- The project is positioned in a logic of empowerment of girls and women and in particular the promotion of their access to the environment and digital techniques, the hackathon is primarily aimed at young girls without excluding proposals from young boys.
You can answer alone or in a team of up to 4 people
- Last name – First name – Age (of all the people in the team)
- Locality / Country
- Contact details (phone and email required)
- Activity Number of people participating
Complete the entire form to submit your project.
Just specify theme 1 or 2
Download the fully completed form and all your documents via the questionnaire. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your documents.
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